For whom does the silent bugle blow?
Veteran's Day is a special day we have set aside to pay honor to those brave Americans who; by virtue of their patriotism, honor, and duty, put on the uniform to serve, protect, and defend our sacred homeland.
It is only fitting and just that we do so, for without their dedication, without their sacrifices, their spirit, this great nation as we know it would not exist today.
As we pay solemn tribute to these men and women of vision, let us also think about another devout group of patriots and dedicated veterans, those who have no marble monuments to reflect their crowning glory and achievements, no battle flags with campaign honors, and no medals to wear proudly as they gather in humble tribute to their unheralded deeds and fallen comrades.
These veterans are the American Women.
The American woman, above all others, should step forward to be recognized as a veteran without equal in our history and society.
Throughout the two hundred plus years of our nation, it has been the American woman who stood by and watched her sons and brothers and husbands march off to an unknown fate on a thousand killing fields across a nation and a world.
It was her tears that fell upon the land along with their blood. Her own blood and sweat continued to build this great land as her sons and husbands lay with hallowed honor beneath the soil.
When the men were off to war, fighting to preserve the American way of life, she was at home, fighting to preserve and defend the thousands of homes that made America what it was and is today.
She fought not only barbaric and evil men of all races who would deny her life, liberty, and prosperity, she fought the savage elements of weather, drought, she fought hunger, deprivation, depression, and sickness.
When her loved ones were sent home to their final resting place, or to bear the awful scars of battle for life, she became the provider, the teacher, the strong pillar of faith and tower of strength for the rest of the family to carry on.
Her battle scars came from adversity, toil, fear, uncertainty, her strength from, determination, audacity, and a boldness equal to any bravery found on any battlefield at any time.
Yet, throughout most of the history of our great Republic, she was even denied a voice in the shaping of that Republic, often relegated to a subservient position, her place behind not to the forefront. She bore this indignity with firmness, patience, understanding, and with the resolve that freedom, "for all" would someday prevail.
The American woman has no medals of honor to wear, no uniform on which to proudly display her accomplishments and heroics, no battle standards to wave, yet, she is the veteran of veterans.
At the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month, let us pay just honor and tribute to those who have faithfully served our country with honor, dignity, and devotion.
Let us also pay tribute to those veterans who, above all others, are deserving of our praise, and, for whom only the silent bugle blows -
The American Women!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
VETERANS DAY. For whom does the silent bugle blow
5:07 AM
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