Look very closely, the animals are in white. The black you see are their shadows!
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007
NationalGeographic - One Of The Best Picture Of TheYear
10:46 AM
From theProgrammer's Mouth: How the 2000Election was Fixed
Clinton E. Curtis, ex-programmer tells all during a Congressional hearing on voting fraud. In October 2000, Curtis was asked by Tom Feeney (R), then Speaker of the House in Florida, to write a computer program that would render electronic voting fraud undetectable. Curtis did just that.
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10:46 AM
6Foods ThatWill Instantly Boost AnyMood
'Your brain depends on a variety of nutrients to keep itself balanced. Cheetos and beer are not on the list. The scoop on six snacks that will help kick your mind into gear."
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9:52 AM
The FiveLeast EffectiveExercise Videos Ever
If you’re going to pussy out on your exercise regimen, at least let it be in the privacy of your own home, in front of your TV, hopefully with a bag of Raisinettes and a bottle of bourbon (low carbs) nearby. And when that meltdown happens, be sure to have these videos on hand.
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9:51 AM
10Ways To Supercharge A Boring GymSession
Refresh your workout with these ten moves.
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9:48 AM
10 Tips for HealthyEating DuringExams
Good nutrition should be part of your study plan because it’s going to help you ace those tests. The better the fuel your brain gets, the better you’ll study. It’s a...well...no-brainer.
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9:48 AM
The Only4 Principles of Weight Loss YouNeed ToKnow
"The *only* four principles that you need to keep in mind in your weight-loss journey."
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9:48 AM
Firstteaser shot of the racer-based MazdaFurai concept
The Furai will be unveiled in January at the Detroit Auto Show, and is built on a Courage C65 chassis campaigned by Mazda in the American Le Mans Series two years ago. Power comes from a 450 HP three-rotor rotary that runs on E100 Ethanol.
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6:15 AM
Miracle ManWalks Again [Pics]
See the pics or you will never believe. He survived against all the odds; now Peng Shulin has astounded doctors by learning to walk again.When his body was cut in two by a lorry in 1995.
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6:14 AM
McDonalds Giving Students Happy Meals for A's...Appropriate?
The commercialization of educational culture, particularly in elementary schools, has long been a contentious issue. It has become more clamorous in the last decade as hard-pressed school districts seek to raise money for academic programs, sports and extracurricular activities without raising taxes.
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6:13 AM
Scientist WhoSparked Racism Has BlackGenes
A Nobel Prize-winning scientist who provoked a public outcry by claiming black Africans were less intelligent than whites has a DNA profile with up to 16 times more genes of black origin than the average white European.
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4:37 AM
Amazon sends best Customer Service letter ever!!
After not getting offered a discounted laptop in Amazon's Customer Vote promotion, one customer wrote a "cheeky" letter to Amazon Executive Customer Service. It's only appropriate that Amazon had their own cheeky response.
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4:32 AM
New HondaASIMO Can SelfCharge, AvoidPeople, Work In Group
When scientists in some bunker in the year 2525 are trying to determine when humanity handed over the keys to the robot overlords, December 11, 2007, may be a good date, for on this day, Honda announced it had given its ASIMO servant robots three key abilities. Here we break them down, and provide a "Future Shock" analysis of each:When scientists in some bunker in the year 2525 are trying to determine when humanity handed over the keys to the robot overlords, December 11, 2007, may be a good date, for on this day, Honda announced it had given its ASIMO servant robots three key abilities. Here we break them down, and provide a "Future Shock" analysis of each:• Autonomous battery charging - Honda developed a Borg-like charging bay for ASIMO. When the robot's battery level drops to a certain point, it seeks out the closest bay.Future Shock: Seeking a power source is the first step towards domination, Coppertop.• Avoiding oncoming people - ASIMO sees an oncoming person through its eye camera, judges its inertia, guesses its speed and path, then either changes course to steer clear, or simply takes a step back. Future Shock: If they're taught subservience, they start questioning their predestined role. Also, doesn't this sound a lot like targeting?• Working together - This involves constant sharing of relevant data between networked ASIMOs, and a survey of which robot is closest to the most pressing task, and what his battery life status is. Among them, they "decide" which one is best suited to go in and do the job.Future Shock: If I have to explain to you why robots working together could be a bad thing, well, you're probably already dead. [Honda]
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4:30 AM
Five gifts that are Contra 4
...if you're planning to give it to someone for one of the winter gift-giving holidays, you're due to start high-fiving yourself right now. Put on a headband, too. Gaming sites are inundated with holiday gift guides at the end of the year, listing the best and most popular games that everyone pretty much already has (or knows about). Well, we're not going in for that this year. Our gift guide will help you find the best gifts in categories the other sites won't cover -- because we just made them up.All year, we held out vain hope that the American-developed DS Contra sequel wouldn't be terrible. We tried to put our memories of Appaloosa Interactive's two PlayStation failures out of our minds and have faith in WayForward. We did our best to believe that a new 2D Contra had the potential not to be a crushing disappointment. We were rewarded with one of the best games on the DS, and possibly the best game in the Contra series. It's hard to think of a better DS game than Konami's mind-blowingly manly Contra 4. So we didn't try. We've put together this guide to five of the best gifts you can give this holiday season, all of which are Contra 4. While it would most certainly be enough to list Contra 4 five times, we thought we would break it up by listing five different ways to package the gift of Contra.
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4:25 AM
MUST SEE: Subaru Impreza WRX STI 170 Foot Jump (Pics & Vid)
Ken Block co-owner of DC shoes was on the cover of snowboarder magazine for jumping his Subaru Impreza on 60 and 100 ft plus gaps in New Zealand.
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4:19 AM
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Limbaugh Will Not Be Charged Over Viagra
Rush Limbaugh will not face criminal charges after authorities found he had a bottle of Viagra that was apparently prescribed to someone else, prosecutors said Wednesday.
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9:01 AM
Friday, November 9, 2007
The international day against fascism, racism and anti-Semitism
On November, 9 - the International day against fascism, racism and anti-Semitism. At night with 9 for November, 10 1938г. began mass Jewish pogrom in Germany, received the name of " Crystal Night », or « Nights of the broken show-windows ».
« Crystal night » or « night of beaten show-windows » in 1938 has begun the Holocaust - to mass violence concerning Jewish people which has brought to ruin about 6000000 Jews.
Today questions of anti-Semitism have departed on the second plan before Against immigrant a hysteria or a problem Islam of a phobia. But the Holocaust is not only a problem of one people, and an example of in what the policy(politics) of " search of a whipping boy » and results belief in the superiority of one nation over others.
Therefore, telling about crimes of nazism, we warn today's youth about what can become the future if we in time shall not tell « Never again! » In the answer that who suggests to limit rights of one group of people only because they not such as we.
12:57 AM
Ярлыки: anti-Semitism, day against fascism, racism
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Introducing The Most Impressive Cell Phone Bill Of The 110th Congress
The bill realizes our wildest legislative fantasies: a world where cellphone companies stop inventing official-sounding fees and levying harsh ETFs, and instead allow their customers to take unlocked phones to the company with the best reception according to precise coverage maps provided free of charge.
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phone cheap
11:38 AM
Endure a Bill O'Reilly Quiz = free phone card to the troops
Just suck it up and do whatever you have to do to get through it. You don't even have to read the damn thing. Just answer "A" for everything and hit enter. Just do it for the troops. Thanks.
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11:34 AM
AT&T: Phone Stolen? You Still Must Pay for the $450 In Porn Downloads
Tiffany's cellphone was stolen right before she got on a chartered sailboat for a week of vacation. When she got back, AT&T told her she was responsible for the entire week of soft core porn downloading that the thief had enjoyed during the time she was away.
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11:31 AM
AT&T has redefined the length of one minute
AT&T has redefined what a minute is. In some states they are deducting up to 8 minutes for each minute you talk.
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11:30 AM
AT&T Gouging U.S. Soldiers in Iraq
AT&T is gouging US soldier in Iraq. They are charging high prices to the boys to call home. What a shame!
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11:29 AM
AT&T Activation Clumsiness hurts iPhone
Apple may be smooth and polished, but AT&T has botched the great iPhone rollout. These are some of the frequent errors that people are experiencing. It is so bad that the AT&T web and phone support have shut-down at this point.
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11:26 AM
AMEX Giving $200 to iPhone Purchases
I can't believe it. AMEX, American Express, just gave me $200 back for my iPhone purchase.
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11:25 AM
400 Designer BusinessCards for Inspiration
I admire the business or calling card as a medium for artistic expression and communication. Marveling at the typically tiny size but also the concept, story, meanings and design subtleties. Then I am absolutely captivated by the endless possibility for expressing an individual, a philosophy, an aesthetic or concept through the design with type, copy,materials and processes ...
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11:16 AM
90 Days Later: AT&T refuses iPhone Subsidy Unlock
Michael told me that there were no unlock codes available for the iPhone due to the exclusive agreement between Apple and AT&T. This includes countries like the UK and Germany, where the iPhone would soon be on sale. "We simply do not have unlock codes for them," he confirmed. I would have to use International roaming.
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11:12 AM
9Ways to Keep Europe WithinReach
The sticker shock has been even worse in Britain, where the ratio of the pound’s value to the dollar’s has been more than 2 to 1. But you don’t have to eat at McDonald’s or stay at a fleabag hotel to afford a European vacation. Below are 10 ways to save money
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11:08 AM
2Note toApple: Stop thinking Like aPhone Company
But Steve Jobs might be better served here to take his own advice and think different. Because, as he has so elegantly demonstrated with the iPhone, these devices are finally becoming little computers. So it shouldn’t be a surprise that consumers will expect them to act like computers. They will want to modify them to their exact, quirky predilections. They will want to use them any way they want, as a general-purpose device.
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11:04 AM
1Soneighbors steal your wi-fi netaccess, kill the connection orhave fun
Or maybe you want to have a little fun. So you find out that everyone in on your block is using your network without your permission. Do you lock it down or...? A little creativity with squid and you could turn your everything they browse upside down (literally)
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10:49 AM
The Advantages of Prepaid Calling Cards
Prepaid phone cards provide a low cost and simple way to dial long distance calls and are also very beneficial to have in case of an emergency. Prepaid phone cards do have advantages when compared to standard credit phone cards. For example, credit phone cards usually charge different rates at different times of the day or on different days of the week, while prepaid cards offer a set per minute rate. Note: There are prepaid cards that charge a higher rate for International long distance than for domestic long distance.
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phone cheap
10:03 AM
The Advantages of Prepaid Calling Cards
These days people seem to spend more time talking on the telephone. There are friends and family we want to talk to about what's going on in our lives and business associates with whom we want to discuss deals and projects. Prepaid calling cards offer a great way for us to call people from almost any telephone and from nearly anywhere in the world. Prepaid calling cards were introduced in the 1970's in Italy and are now widely used in most parts of the world.
Prepaid phone cards provide a low cost and simple way to dial long distance calls and are also very beneficial to have in case of an emergency. Prepaid phone cards do have advantages when compared to standard credit phone cards. For example, credit phone cards usually charge different rates at different times of the day or on different days of the week, while prepaid cards offer a set per minute rate. Note: There are prepaid cards that charge a higher rate for International long distance than for domestic long distance.
Using a prepaid calling card is really easy. You dial a toll free access number, punch in your PIN number, and then dial the number you want to call. With most cards you are informed of the available call time remaining on your card. Prepaid calling cards are also very convenient. Whenever you need to use a pay phone there's no need to look for change, just take out the prepaid calling card and you are set.
Prepaid calling cards also help you to budget your money and manage how much you spend on long distance calls. Prepaying your phone calls gives you more control over your spendings and allows you to avoid those monthly telephone bills.
You can buy prepaid phone cards at most any store or gas/convenience station, but your smartest choice would be the Internet. Online, you can compare different phone card offers and associated rates to make sure that you get the best deal for your money. The best card offer for you may vary depending upon your needs. Are most of your phone calls short or long? Do you call mostly domestic long distance or International long distance? Questions like these will help you to decide upon which prepaid phone card to buy.
9:29 AM
Ярлыки: Phone Card
Friday, November 2, 2007
Terrible photos of consequences of explosion of the bus in Tolyatti (Russia)
In Tolyatti on Wednesday in the morning in the trip bus has thundered explosion. In result eight person, including one child were lost. 48 person have received wounds of a various degree of weight, three from them - children. Eyewitnesses of morning explosion inform, that an explosive, probably, has been filled by metal balls. About it speaks character of wounds received by passengers of the bus in Russia. One more eyewitness has told, that bodies of victims a blast wave has thrown out from interior of the bus literally. From them has broken clothes, at the some people finitenesses are torn off...
Photo of explosion of the bus in Tolyatti
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Камины, печи, дымоходы
Вперед, жми создать форум бесплатно - ну же смелей! | Требуется бытовуха оптом? У нас дофига! Мартинс - купить оптом бытовую технику на martins.ru
7:47 AM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Great American Smoke Оut. So You Want To Quit Smoking?
Even though it is hard to quit smoking because of its additive nature it can be done. Many people do it every day. Researchers say every time you smoke you are inhaling more than 4000 different chemicals. One of the extremely addictive ones is nicotine. It is such a powerful poison that a drop, the size of a pinhead of this toxin, in the blood stream, would kill you instantly.
Nicotine stimulates the central nervous system creating a pleasurable and euphoric sensation that makes the smokers feel so relax. In the meantime, it is paralyzing your nervous system. So to get that same euphoric feeling again, you have to in-crease the amount you smoke. This cycle play over and over again until most likely you are addicted.
Once you become addicted, your body will crave nicotine. Trying to quit smoking causes withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms may include nausea, irritability, depression, headache, insomnia, fatigue, and cravings for a cigarette. Withdrawal symptoms should be expected when you are trying to quit smoking. But remember it is only temporary.
In addition to nicotine cigarette smoke also contains the dangerous gas carbon monoxide. Studies show that carbon monoxide has a stronger attraction for red blood cells than oxygen does. Since red blood cells carry oxygen throughout your system, this means that a smoker's body is being depleted placing additional strain on the heart.
Nicotine coupled with carbon monoxide release fatty acids in the blood stream. This plaque contributes to hardening of the arteries, which may lead to a heart attack, stroke, and other circulatory diseases.
It is not unusual to feel depressed while quitting smoking, but proper nutrients can help you cope with the withdrawal symptoms. Unfortunately, smoking became a habit instead of a choice. It became a part of your lifestyle. Your activities and smoking are so intertwine that you do not even realize you are doing it. As you drink your coffee, read the newspaper, talk on the phone, take a break at work, and socialize you have a cigarette in your hand.
There are so many health problems associated with smoking including: Cancer, Heart Attacks, Cataracts, High Blood Pressure, Impotence, and Ulcers.
Let's not forget secondhand smoke. Evidence shows that secondhand smoke may be more dangerous than the smoke the smoker inhales. Recent air sampling show that pollutants are more concentrated inside our house than outdoors. Indoor toxicity runs two to five times higher than outside. The effects of constantly breathing impure air in a room that's polluted with cigarette smoke, even though you are a nonsmoker can lead to lung cancer. Also, if you smoke and your home has high radon levels, your risk of lung cancer is even higher.
Most smokers wish they had never started smoking, but is so hard to quit smoking because they are addicted. In fact some researchers say tobacco is more addictive than heroin and cocaine. Smoking contributes to at least 21% of all heart disease. Quitting now will reduce your risk of heart problems up to 70% in the next four through five years.
In fact you can reap the benefits of not smoking in just 24-hours after your last cigarette. In 1 day your pulse should calm and your blood pressure should return to normal.
There are so many health advantages when you quit smoking.The secret to your success if finding which way is right for you.
Quit Smoking Tips
It is estimated that cravings for a cigarette usually last only 3 to 5 minutes. When the nicotine demon strike try focusing on something else for that small length of time. As you resist, it will become easier as time goes on.
Cut back on junk food, processed, refined, salt, white sugar, white flour, and saturated fat. Get rid of alcohol, coffee, and teas. Only herbal tea is allowed.
Incorporate more vegetables and fruits into your diet. Drinking fruit and vegetable juices have been known to curb cravings.
Drink plenty of pure water that's free from toxins. This will helps cleanse the system.
When the craving of tobacco comes over you, try reaching for some carrots or celery sticks.
Don't miss meals eat regularly. This will stabilize your blood sugar until your body is accustomed to being without nicotine.
Get rid of all cigarettes, try to freshen everything that smell of smoke, and make your place smell "smoke free."
As much as possible stay away from smokers and a smoking atmosphere.
Take long walks in the open air and breathe deeply. This will help strengthen and clear your lungs.
Be determined to quit! Even if you slip don't throw in the towel.
6:29 AM
Ярлыки: Smoke
VETERANS DAY. For whom does the silent bugle blow
For whom does the silent bugle blow?
Veteran's Day is a special day we have set aside to pay honor to those brave Americans who; by virtue of their patriotism, honor, and duty, put on the uniform to serve, protect, and defend our sacred homeland.
It is only fitting and just that we do so, for without their dedication, without their sacrifices, their spirit, this great nation as we know it would not exist today.
As we pay solemn tribute to these men and women of vision, let us also think about another devout group of patriots and dedicated veterans, those who have no marble monuments to reflect their crowning glory and achievements, no battle flags with campaign honors, and no medals to wear proudly as they gather in humble tribute to their unheralded deeds and fallen comrades.
These veterans are the American Women.
The American woman, above all others, should step forward to be recognized as a veteran without equal in our history and society.
Throughout the two hundred plus years of our nation, it has been the American woman who stood by and watched her sons and brothers and husbands march off to an unknown fate on a thousand killing fields across a nation and a world.
It was her tears that fell upon the land along with their blood. Her own blood and sweat continued to build this great land as her sons and husbands lay with hallowed honor beneath the soil.
When the men were off to war, fighting to preserve the American way of life, she was at home, fighting to preserve and defend the thousands of homes that made America what it was and is today.
She fought not only barbaric and evil men of all races who would deny her life, liberty, and prosperity, she fought the savage elements of weather, drought, she fought hunger, deprivation, depression, and sickness.
When her loved ones were sent home to their final resting place, or to bear the awful scars of battle for life, she became the provider, the teacher, the strong pillar of faith and tower of strength for the rest of the family to carry on.
Her battle scars came from adversity, toil, fear, uncertainty, her strength from, determination, audacity, and a boldness equal to any bravery found on any battlefield at any time.
Yet, throughout most of the history of our great Republic, she was even denied a voice in the shaping of that Republic, often relegated to a subservient position, her place behind not to the forefront. She bore this indignity with firmness, patience, understanding, and with the resolve that freedom, "for all" would someday prevail.
The American woman has no medals of honor to wear, no uniform on which to proudly display her accomplishments and heroics, no battle standards to wave, yet, she is the veteran of veterans.
At the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month, let us pay just honor and tribute to those who have faithfully served our country with honor, dignity, and devotion.
Let us also pay tribute to those veterans who, above all others, are deserving of our praise, and, for whom only the silent bugle blows -
The American Women!
5:07 AM
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The explosive which is taking place in the Tolyatti bus, is similar that was used at undermining the market in Moscow
At undermining the bus in Tolyatti on Wednesday the explosive of chemical type similar to an explosive which has been blown up in the market of Moscow in August, 2006 has been used, the chapter(head) of Investigatory committee declares at Office of Public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin.
" In this case is an original explosive of chemical type. The similar explosive was applied at explosion in the market. I am convinced, that experts - Sappers in the near future will give us of the basis for identification of this explosive ", declare on Wednesday A.Bastrykin to journalists.
According to all available information, the sounded plenipotentiary of the president of Russia in Alexander Konovalovym, as a result of explosion of the bus in Tolyatti were lost eight person, have suffered 63
1:24 PM
Ярлыки: bomb
Victims of the bus became girls - students
Identification of the lost victims of brutal act of terrorism in Russia is completed. The majority of victims appeared students of the Tolyatti state university. As a result of explosion Thirty-year the employee of legal management of the mayoralty of city district Tolyatti Olga Kovalenko also has died.
Consequence(Investigation) consider(examine) the version of undermining of the bus with participation of the terrorist - condemned man. According to the head of Management of FSB of Russia on Jury Rozhina's Samara area, on probable participation of the condemned man in the organization of explosion specifies a number(line) of factors. In particular, inspectors pay attention that the tragedy has taken place in "rush hour". Thus the route running by numerous educational institutions has been chosen
Let's remind, that as a result of explosion of the bus were lost eight person. Fifty four have received wounds. Now in hospitals of city remain fifty victims. All hospitalized are transferred(translated) from reanimation in usual chambers. On out-patient treatment there are four wounded. Let's tell - is not present to acts of terrorism.
12:35 PM
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Staph Infection - Why Good Hygiene Is Vital In Avoiding Staph Infection
The dangers of staph infection has been highlighted in the United States with the recent outbreak in schools nationwide.
Staph infection doesn't receive the attention other diseases and conditions usually get and in this article, we'll highlight what it is and what you you should do to prevent it from affecting you.
What Is Staph Infection?
Staph is the common term but it's medical term is Staphylococcus. It is bacteria which commonly lives on the skin and is harmless in this environment. It's when the skin is broken and the infection enters it that it can cause problems.
Staph contains over thirty different types of bacteria and is responsible for a number of illnesses with most non life threatening. Conditions such as skin disease or impetigo which is most common in children and is characterized by pussy formations on the skin and yellow crusts are as a result of staph infection.
However, as has been evidenced lately, the more aggressive type of infection can lead to serious illness and even death. Some of the more threatening conditions include toxic shock syndrome and food poisoning.
The MRSA strain which has caused the recent problems is particularly virulent and drug resistant.
Can You Prevent Staph Infection?
Most people who are in a healthy state won't have to worry about becoming seriously ill from staph during their lives. However, staph relies a lot on the complacency of people to become a problem and there are certain things you can do to keep it from having an impact on your health.
Here's a shortlist of preventative measures you can take to avoid staph infection:
- Treat cuts immediately. Staph bacteria is always present on the skin and if you ignore even the slightest cut on any part of your body then you are asking for trouble.
- Avoid over-using antibiotics. Strains such as MRSA are drug resistant and usually require hospitalization. Also, if you are prescribed antibiotics then make sure you complete the course in it's entirety.
- Practice good hygiene. Regular washing, particularly the hands will go a long way to keeping staph at bay.
- Avoid sharing items such as toiletries, towels and worn equipment such as for work and athletic purposes.
- Those who are more at risk of being receptive to infection need to treat early symptoms of staph as quickly as possible. A visit to your doctor is essential.
Author's Bio
For more information on infection, diseases and conditions such as staph infection , plus the latest news and information on disease and infections around the world which affect us on a daily basis
12:13 PM
Ярлыки: Staph Infection
Monday, October 29, 2007
9 Ways to Keep Europe Within Reach
"... Impact of a label was even worse in the Great Britain, where the attitude(relation) of pound’ s value to dollar were from more than 2 up to 1. But you should not eat in McDonald’s or stay in fleabag to hotel to give the European vacation. Below - 9 ways to save money. "
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1:13 PM
Introducing TheMost Impressive CellPhone Bill Of The 110thCongress
The account (Bill) understands our most wild legislative imaginations: the world where cellphone the companies stop to invent payments apparent by the official and levying sharp ETFs, and instead of it allow their clients to take отпертые phones to the company with the best reception according to the exact cards(maps) of scope provided free-of-charge.
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1:01 PM
Timbaland ripped off atrack from mybuddy.2
It(He) has literally stolen the whole musical line to build this song around. I spoke the Drill, and it(he) has told to me, that is useless to go to court, eventhough Scene.org the supplied papers (newspaper), speaking, that the song has received uploaded on their servers in 2000. Struggle against the big corporation it is similar Geffen there are tons of money and time which it(he) has no.
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12:43 PM
1Four-fifths ofall our troubleswould disappear, if we would only sitdown
You know whom - the one who requires hours, one every day? Who loves silent conversations about feelings or ideas, and can give representation of dynamite of the big audience, but it seems clumsy in groups and awkward in secular conversation? Who needs to be pulled to the parties(sides) (parties(sets)) and then requires other part of day to recover?
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12:07 PM
Friday, October 26, 2007
3Porschedealer - "I got it wrong with the buy oneget one freecard".
GlenFergusson - Sales and the manager of Marketing for mark new dealer Kalifornijtsa Porsh. Has lost his(its) work and collides(faces) with possible(probable) legal (lawful) hearings as the company aspires to correct (to claim) expenses of these of 18 given Entrances free подо in the afternoon of Opening of the Valley of the river, " buy, everyone receives one free promotion (assistance) ", " I recognize, that I really did not do(make) numbers (numbers) properly on it " Glenn has told
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10:52 AM
2Kid suspended forwearing Pirate garb toschool, claims it's hisreligion
"The student has been temporarily discharged of school in America to arrive to a class dressed as the pirate. But disciplinary action has caused the contradiction - because the student speaks, that prohibition breaks his(its) rights, as a piracy suit - a part of his(its) religion. Bryan Killian speaks, that it(he) follows for Pastafarian religion ..."
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10:48 AM
2New SVGFeatures in Firefox 3Alpha
Tim Rowley, SVG the developer inMozilla, modernizes us on last newfeatures in Firefox 3, including granting of increases of work(performance), production (release) of a seal on the basis of a vector, the bestsupport of standards, etc.
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10:39 AM
1JoeClark's looking for some micropatronagelove
The guy of approachibility of Toronto and mine ' dear colleague ' start (start) the engine of microhome nursing. Use his(its) cheerful best announcements, the chip in a few something through paypal or only send good ideas to help it(him) while it(he) fundraises for research work of approachibility.
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10:31 AM
2Gallery 2 Theme ContestCommences
The project ofGallery is pleased to declare Gallery of 2Competitions of the Theme! The gallery searchesnew, inspiring, featurefull, and initial (original) themes whichwill becreated by our surprising users! In an estimationfor these themes, we shall give you with popularity andmoney of a prize (USD for 3141.59 $). The deadline forsubmissions (submission) - on January, 14 2007... (is [more) cool
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10:12 AM
Black MacMinitosh. HOWTO Install OSX on your Macintosh
This project will consist of 4 initial steps, any of which will not be closed (covered) in a full detail. It - the project for Manufacturers, you, predictably, will solve a part of it for you directly. The provided images (images) should have the big help to you in your searches.Распотрошите your victim the Mackintosh Распотрошите your monitor of an electron beam tube Establish your hardware of the COMPUTER Close it Our machine (mechanism) has thrown its(her) phantom for a long time so we did not lose some any good meat, распотрошившего a proud animal. It - nostalgia peice, we only benefit by this victim. Each effort has been made to process classical electronics where probably. The ambassador потрошения the machine (mechanism), a part were test - suitable, anyone suprisingly, the most part of work has been already made for us by advanced thinking engineers of the Apple! Engine DVD the Mini-mackintosh sits completely against the store on flexible disks. The side of a jewel of the engine will be expanded (prolonged) to mark DVDs.I suspect business is so because interiors (quality) of the Mackintosh, apparently, are satisfied or for 3.5" engines, or for 5.25", even that the forward side of a jewel only has a flexible crack. Instead of for modernizes, there was probable, that the question maintains hardware of the COMPUTER, would support 5.25" flexible disks (the standard of time), or new Sony 3.5" formats of a diskette.Electronics of the monitor requires small work, and some parts are moved (touched) cut for the best accommodation. Use your best judgement, and remember you a habit be capable to use force to close a case in this dandy.33.3% nostalgia 33.3% hack 33.3% pointless; still 100% Macintosh.
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10:01 AM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
WilWheaton's Geek inReview: Star Trek: The xperience.
Star Trek: TheExperience should be visited by every Trekkie inthe world, at least once, but that's not why I wanted to write about it.fack I wanted towrite about it because it's very important and special to me, because of anexperience I had there in 2001. (via suicidegirls.com)
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10:48 AM
Dx3 - A rock starRich InternetApplication conference
Dx3 stands for Design, Develop, and Deploy and it looks like it's going to be one of the encompassing RIA conference this year. Being put on by lynda.com it is going to cover the designer developer workflow as well as most of the major Rich Internet Application technologies. We're going to see Flash, WPF, WPF/E, Flex and Apollo. fack
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10:31 AM
Uncomfortable Questions: Was the Death Star Destruction an Inside Job?
We've all heard the "official" story of the destruction of the Death Star. However, recent evidence indicates we may not be getting the whole story. This article presents several uncomfortable questions that throw the official theory into doubt, and point to the possibility that the destruction of the Death Star may have been an inside job.
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10:16 AM
How to bypass a fireproof wall on service?
This convenient *virtual* the browser will allow you to bypass fireproof walls and many other programs of safety on work and school. It even has ciphered your movement so your network admin does not know that your performance
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9:37 AM
Who kidnapped in America?
It means that there are Americans out there who are truly concerned about the future of America. We now know that my story is not a unique one. Over the past two years we have heard from many other people who were, who have been kidnapped, unlawfully detained, tortured, and eventually released without being charged with any crime in any country.
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9:30 AM
Diggs blocked at thousands ofschools across thenation - Stop it!
Thousands of schools in the United States use filtering systems BESS. Nice people at Secure Computing agreed that digg.com must be frozen. Send service@securecomputing.com, and tell them to stop blocking digg.
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9:13 AM
Modern Art Gallery
Features information on the collection, exhibition, education, membership programs and images from the collection
3:25 AM